Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

JET Opto committed to become an international outstanding company. We make great effort to become excellent corporate citizen, environment and Corporate Social Responsibility become an integral element of our daily activities and corporate culture. We aim the principle of “Take from society / Give back to society “to fulfill the environment and Corporate Social Responsibility, uphold the concept, JET Opto continued in various social welfare and environmental protection actions.

For the company, Corporation Social Responsibility is not only committed to the continued growth of revenue profit, responsible to shareholders, also combined the core competence of corporation, make profit while concrete contribution to society, expect the society to be better.

Under this goal, we participate in activities such as environmental protection, community involvement, social contributions, social services, social welfare, consumer and human rights, security, health and other social responsibility, as below:

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Implementation of prompting corporate governance

1. Execute relevant business in accordance with the Company's Articles of association and the various regulatory options according to the law. Specify the director’s vital interest and avoidance of related proposal in Board Meeting, and the director would avoid the vote of vital interest related proposal.

2. Discuss the company's major policy proposals by board of director meeting, supervisor deems it necessary to have conversation with employees, and shareholders contact directly. Audit supervisor in addition to escalate audit reports to supervisors at the next month of the completion of audit project, should also report to the board of directors.

3. Our Company held staff meeting to propaganda and education ethics practitioners and other relevant item regularly, also announce the rules of employee ethical conduct for practitioner on company website. Performance appraisal of the Company is also combined with ethics practitioners, and implements rewards and penalties.

4. Employees have smooth gateway to express their views and make communication and coordination. If there’s a major message or organizational changes in daily, we also use email, bulletin board or held emergency meeting to explain to employees.

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Development of Sustainable environment

The Company set up battery recycling, waste paper recycling and resource recovery, etc. in the office to implement carbon reduction plan. In order to put the carbon reduction plan into practice, , make response to environmental policy, we also do some actual operation such as turn off the lights during break time, setting the air-conditioning depending on temperature and other measures, and our general department take in charge of the overall office environment.

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Maintenance of social welfare

The Company set personnel relevant regulations accordance with industry and other relevant provisions of the Labor Standards Law, in order to protect the interests of employees and the company. The company work rules also audit and check by the Department of Labor, and announced on company bulletin board for employees to look up their own right anytime.

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JET Opto actively participate in Road running event of Prader-Willi syndrome

In the chilling morning, though the weather is impact by the typhoon and it’s raining. Everybody still attend the event with joy to encourage Prader-Willi syndrome people. The atmosphere is extremely lively and full of energy. All the staff of JET Opto joins the run for the purpose of “Prader-Willi syndrome need a home”, we run for health, run for happiness, run for hope, and show the high cohesion of centripetal force between our employees.

Prader-Willi Official Website


評估項目 運作情形摘要說明 與上市上櫃公司永續發展實務守則差異情形及原因
一、公司是否建立推動永續發展之治理架構,且設置推動永續發展專(兼)職單位,並由董事會授權高階管理階層處理,及董事會督導情形? 本公司已設置董事長室為權責單位,且制訂「企業永續發展實務守則」,計畫未來將授權相關單位處理,並向董事會報告。 同摘要說明
二、公司是否依重大性原則,進行與公司營運相關之環境、社會及公司治理議題之風險評估,並訂定相關風險管理政策或策略? 本公司已設置董事長室為權責單位,且制訂「企業永續發展實務守則」,計畫未來將授權相關單位處理,並向董事會報告。 同摘要說明
(一) 本公司主要廠區已建立ISO14001環境管理系統,恪守環境管理原則。 (一)符合
(二)公司是否致力於提升各項資源之利用效率,並使用對環境負荷衝擊低之再生物料? (二) 本公司宣傳垃圾分類資源回收再利用並推廣回收紙張再利用。 (二)符合
(三)公司是否評估氣候變遷對企業現在及未來的潛在風險與機會,並採取氣候相關議題之因應措施? (三) 本公司建立「風險與機遇管理程序」評估氣候變造成的潛在風險與機會,並由管理單位積極推廣節能減碳計劃,如中午休息時間關閉照明燈及視氣溫設定空調溫度等措施,以響應環保政策。 (三)符合
(四)公司是否統計過去兩年溫室氣體排放量、用水量及廢棄物總重量,並制定節能減碳、溫室氣體減量、減少用水或其他廢棄物管理之政策? (四) 本公司由管理單位推動節能減碳計劃,以響應環保政策,公司後續規劃增設統計溫室氣體排放量、用水量及廢棄物總重量。 (四)同摘要說明
(一) 公司遵守相關勞動法規及尊重國際公認勞動人權規範/原則,訂定「工作規章」,為全體員工辦理相關勞/健保、團體保險,並提撥退休金,保障員工之合法權益及雇用政策無差別待遇等,建立適當之管理方法、程序並落實執行。
(二)公司是否訂定及實施合理員工福利措施(包括薪酬、休假及其他福利等),並將經營績效或成果適當反映於員工薪酬? (二) 本公司注重和諧勞資關係,透過充實與安定員工生活的褔利制度,及良好的教育訓練與員工建立起互信、互賴之良好關係,並將經營績效適當反映於員工薪酬。同時成立「職工福利委員會」每年計劃舉辦:尾牙、春酒、國內/外旅遊、路跑活動、公益資訊平台商品推廣、聖誕節活動、公益資訊平台募款及節慶禮金發放、生日壽星賀卡及贈送電影票等活動。
(三)公司是否提供員工安全與健康之工作環境,並對員工定期實施安全與健康教育? (三) 為提供員工安全和健康之工作環境,本公司設置職業安全衛生委員會,依「職業安全衛生法」及相關法規訂定「職業安全衛生工作守則」、「職業安全衛生管理程序」、「職業安全衛生教育訓練管理辦法」等相關程序與辦法進行管理,並對辦公室實驗室及測試場所內全面禁煙,要求維護工作場所的清潔衛生,工作場所設門禁安全管制及保全監視系統。公司每年定期提供員工身體健康檢查及定期實施消防演練,同時由專業醫護人員提供員工健康諮詢及健康分級管理與追蹤,並持續進行員工訓練、宣導、溝通、諮詢,督促全員參與改善、關懷環境設施,藉由自主性安全衛生管理系統運作,建立一個健康活力的企業。
(四)公司是否為員工建立有效之職涯能力發展培訓計畫? (四) 企業永續經營須以人才之職涯發展培訓留用為基礎,公司重視人才培育,訂定「員工教育訓練管理程序」,每年依計畫實施教育訓練,按照個人差異需求加強人員在工作上需要的專業及管理技巧,建立個人化的學習訓練與發展,進而提升與更新員工的知識技能,建立豐厚的人力資本。 (四)符合
(五)針對產品與服務之顧客健康與安全、客戶隱私、行銷及標示等議題,公司是否遵循相關法規及國際準則,並制定相關保護消費者或客戶權益政策及申訴程序? (五) 本公司已於公司網站建置申訴管道,以確保消費者各項權益。
(六)公司是否訂定供應商管理政策,要求供應商在環保、職業安全衛生或勞動人權等議題遵循相關規範,及其實施情形? (六) 本公司已訂定「供應商綠色產品管理程序」、「環安衛採購管理程序」、「承攬商環安衛管理程序」及相關管理規範,要求供應商應符合安全衛生法令要求,以降低後續發生危害之可能性,並由管理單位、品保單位及職業安全衛生中心共同監督,確保作業期間之安全及衛生,以避免人員發生職業災害。 (六)符合
五、公司是否參考國際通用之報告書編製準則或指引,編製永續報告書等揭露公司非財務資訊之報告書?前揭報告書是否取得第三方驗證單位之確信或保證意見? 本公司110年11月30日成為興櫃公司,尚未編製永續報告書,計劃未來將安排相關人員進行編制。 同摘要說明