Caring for Employees

Recruiting & Employee Retention

Continual Learning and Development

JET Opto sponsors in-house training programs and external training programs to help employees improve themselves in their respective fields of work. We believe training is the key to keeping JET Opto innovative and competitive.

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New Employee Orientation

We provide a comprehensive orientation for new employees to help them get up to speed on the company culture and the work environment. In the orientation, we emphasize our strict requirements for product quality, environmental safety, and environmental hygiene.

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Company Wide Training

Every year we hold a training session for all employees in various topics including product quality, environmentally-friendly production, environmental protection, environmental hygiene, fire safety, basic knowledge of law, foreign language, career development, and so on.

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Professional Skills Training

We provide professional skills training for employees who need it to excel in their jobs. We help employees overcome the obstacles they encounter at work.

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Management Training

We provide management training to train managers to develop key leadership skills and linguistic skills. We cooperate with the government and the academic institutions to promote partnerships between schools and industry.

2017 Management Trainging Course - Photo Gallery

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Multiple Channels for Learning

We provide our employees with multiple channels for learning to improve themselves and inspire new ideas. We share our experiences with each other to help each other solve problems.

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Career Pathing

We care about each employee's career development, and we provide channels to help them develop their careers and answer their questions when they are confused about their career paths. We do our best to arrange suitable assignments and job responsibilities based on the employee's abilities and interests.